Gaming News NBA Playgrounds 2 Officially Delayed


Planning to play NBA Playgrounds 2 next week on May 22th? Well think again. With only five days before the planned release of NBA Playgrounds 2, developer "Saber Interactive" has announced it plans to delay the release and is now being pushed to an indefinite date. This news comes on the heels of the recent release announcement made just a month ago, which sounded to good to be true and too short of a timeline between the announcement and release of the game.

The official NBA Playgrounds 2 Facebook page shared the news regarding the delay and stated the following:
We’ve got some news to share, but we want to start by saying ‘good things come to those who wait.’ There are exciting things brewing with the NBA Playgrounds franchise that we think will take arcade basketball to new levels. We can’t tell you everything now, but we can tell you that this means our launch date of May 22nd will be moved out. Please be patient with us, we promise that NBA Playgrounds 2 will be better than ever.
The timing of this is curious as it's so close to the release date and paints a doubtful picture for the series and developer. Delays this close to release are becoming more common these days due to an increase in games being distributed via digital downloads. A traditional retail release would not have had the luxury or mistake of delaying in such a manner.


In summary, this delay could acutally end up hurting the series more than helping it, given the scheduled upcoming events this summer. NBA Playgrounds 2 was set to come out during the peak of the NBA Playoffs landing on the brink of the NBA Finals. The NBA Draft occurs on the following month and late August is not the most sensible time to release a sports game given the insane amount of competition during that time of year. The next logical time an announcement will come is at E3 which is now less than a month away.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens next with NBA Playgrounds 2 and developer Saber Interactive!
King Javo